So peoples, it's been a while since my last post. As usual the dreaded Fibro & mecfs have interrupted life on a daily basis... some interruptions have been worse than normal & I've struggled to make any real headway with my crafting.
It really is very frustrating!
My photography has certainly helped, it always does... getting out & about is often a problem but over the years I've found that you can take photos anywhere, finding an interesting shot takes on a mission like quality and I've often found beauty in the 'mundane'.
I've finally taken a satisfactory 'moon' shot, something that had evaded me until now. Here's my best one...
As I seem to be running on empty all the time, I needed something to do, something that wouldn't tax me and that I could pick up & put down. I need new glasses so beading and intricate work were out of the window, so I decided to pick up watercolour work again.
As I haven't done any watercolours for over 20 years, I picked two subjects to work on that I could do concurrently and experiment with. The sea and a piece that would include a hare were/are my chosen subjects... this post will follow those experiments and my improvement (I hope LOL)
I had a muck around before I really started experimenting with anything...
I roughly sketched a sea shell before dabbling with my pallette. Not to shabby but I certainly need to practice, a lot!
So, firstly I scanned the internet for hare images, photos as well as other people's work, to give me ideas and also for shots of hares in all positions. These have been pasted in my sketch book, as reference material, that I can refer to whenever I want.
For anyone not familiar with watercolour work, you need to stretch your paper in order to stop it buckling when wet.
I've used a piece of plywood wood.
I placed my watercolour paper in a basin of tepid water, placed it flat on my wood and secured the paper with gummed brown paper called Butterfly tape. It was left, flat to dry out naturally.
I also stretched a piece of music score for my other watercolour piece, I thought I'd try out an idea I'd wanted to do for quite a few years. Waves watercoloured on to a music score called 'The song of the Sea'
This is my page of hare sketches, I've used the top middle one for my watercolour. I've traced my sketch onto my stretched watercolour paper... it will be of a hare singing to the moon.
So peoples, here are the first few photos of The Song of the Sea in progress... please remember this is my first for 2 decades! ...there'll be more to follow very soon, so watch out for my next post!